Et si les jouets étaient indispensables au bon développement des enfants ?

Pour nous, jouer c'est du sérieux !
« OPPI® c’est une marque de jeux contemporaine, engagée, et dédiée au développement de tous les enfants. On conçoit des jouets pour répondre à un besoin éducatif, c’est comme ça qu’on met le design au service de l’éducation. »
Hansel & Bastien Schloupt, co-fondateurs d’OPPI®.
Notre mission
Ce qu’on veut chez OPPI® c’est être utile aux enfants. On veut les accompagner dans leur développement, les aider à prendre confiance en eux, pour qu’ils deviennent des adultes accomplis ! Notre petit bonheur à nous, c’est de voir le sourire sur le visage des enfants quand ils s’amusent avec un jeu OPPI®.

Let us tell you a story...
It's the story of two brothers (a good start already), Hansel & Bastien Schloupt. Since they were little, they have done everything together: playing, building various objects, tinkering...
Their bond has grown over the years (and continues to grow even more!).
Unfortunately, Hansel had to face Gorham-Stout disease from ages 7 to 17. During this time, games took on an important role and became precious moments of sharing and escape for the family, especially with his brother Bastien.
Hansel received treatment in Barcelona, then pursued studies in design and developed a passion for the field. He specifically worked on designing therapeutic products, in collaboration with childhood specialists, to support children's development through play.
This desire to help has always been a part of Hansel due to his personal history, so it was only natural that he came up with the idea to launch his own brand, dedicated to supporting children in their development. Bastien has always supported his brother in all his projects, and once again, it was obvious that he would join him to be useful to children together. Thus, in 2018, OPPI® was born in Montpellier, bringing joy to its two founders: Hansel & Bastien.

This desire to help has always been in Hansel due to his personal story, so it was only natural for him to come up with the idea of launching his own brand, dedicated to children, to support them in their development. Bastien has always supported his brother in all his projects and once again, it was obvious to join him, to together be useful to children. Thus, in 2018, in Montpellier, OPPI® was born and brought joy to its two dads: Hansel & Bastien.

A Shared Passion Among Many
The story continues with the OPPI® team constantly growing! We come from various backgrounds but move in the same direction to contribute to the healthy development of children through play. We are all driven by the same desire to be useful to today's and tomorrow's world. Every day, we commit to doing our best to enable as many children as possible to grow up confidently.
That's the number of children who have already smiled thanks to OPPI® toys!

Why Do We Always Talk About Design and Education?
A toy is one of the first objects a child will hold in their hands, so we have a great responsibility in its design. For us, design means a simple, thoughtful product that addresses one or more issues. To create a toy that effectively supports children's development, we collaborated with specialized experts (occupational therapists, child psychiatrists...) in specific areas of childhood, such as attention and concentration disorders or the development of autonomy.
All our toys are therefore designed by combining two key elements: design and education (which is why we often talk about them!).

Why is Material Quality Important?
We also bear responsibility in the choice of materials, and we are very attentive to this aspect. We must ensure both safety (our toys are laboratory tested) and playability (children are the best testers). We have also chosen to use durable materials. Creating toys for children means committing to using materials selected for their longevity and quality. This approach helps raise awareness from a young age about the importance of preserving natural resources and reducing waste.




At OPPI®, We Commit:
Play is essential for ALL children! At OPPI®, we make no distinctions—our games are unisex, non-gendered, and inclusive. You won't find pink for girls or blue for boys here, because we believe it's important to convey values of acceptance and tolerance. Our games are designed for ALL children, whether they have a disability or not, for anyone who wants to have fun (and trust us, there are many!).
And because we love seeing children happy, every year we donate toys to organizations that need them the most, ensuring as many children as possible can enjoy them!